Speaker, media talking head, expert, consultant 

A travel industry and content creation expert, I am have built a reputation for sharing my knowledge of these industries through wider media and am called on as a many speaker at conferences and events.

UK television travel expert

I often take my industry expertise and knowledge offline to mainstream media, and have been a talking head on television news programmes. I have also been chosen as an expert for magazine shows, such as Channel Four’s Luxury Holidays: How to Get Away This Year.

Sarah Lee being interviewed on STV’s Scotland Tonight

Conferences and events

Sarah Lee speaking at the Propel Conference
Speaking at the Propel Conference, in Graz, Austria

I speak regularly at travel industry conferences and events such as WTM London on travel writing, blogging, social media and digital innovation. I have also spoken on travel writing for the British Library, and am founder of the Propel Conference, helping experienced content creators to take their blog to the next level.

Sarah Lee at The British Library
Sarah Lee about to speak at The British Library’s Knowledge Centre

Consulting with the industry

As a travel industry veteran, founder of award-winning digital agency, Captivate, which specialises in content and social media campaigns for destination marketing organisations and brands, I have provided a sounding board for the industry.

I consult with tourist boards and companies on how they can improve their products and communication to customers, how they can extend their reach to new and existing markets and more. I am also a luxury travel and timeshare expert, and consult on research studies on the industry.